Event Off-Site Consent Form (LA)

Event Details

The ............................................... (event/activity) will be held at ................................................................................................... (name & address of the venue) 


Drop off/ pick up point :........................................................................

The activity will commence at .........................(time) on ..................................... ( day & date )

and will conclude at ............................... (time) on  .............................................. (day & date)


The type of activities we will be undertaking are : ( all activities will be appropriately supervised.)



The cost of the activity will be $...............

Please also bring .................................................................................................


The Team Contact person will be ...............................................

Mobile No ................................................

RSVP by .....................................................


Personal Details of the Young Person

Child/ Youth Commitment

By filling the following fields below the Child/ Youth agrees to show respect to other participants, Teams Members and Team leaders and to co-operate with the rules outlined for this activity by the Team Leaders

Parent / Guardian Declaration/ Permission

As the parent/carer of the child/young person mentioned above, I give my consent for him/her to take part in the above camp/ activity.

By giving us your details in the fields below you give The Reconcile Church consent. 

  • The Team Leaders and instructors have my authority to take whatever action the thnk necessary to ensure the safety and well being of the group or individual in the above-mentioned activities.
  • If my child or young person becomes ill or is accidentally injured, the Team Leaders may obtain on my behalf whatever medical treatment is deemed necessary, if we cannot be contracted. I will pay such medical expenses.
  • I have/will filled/fill the medical form as requested about my child's health, including details of his/her limitations for the planned activity.  (Please fill the medical form by clicking the following links below)
  • An ambulance may be called in a medical emergency as well as my child's own doctor or medical specialist
  • Impact Youth has my permission for photos/videos of my child at this event to be used on official websites and social media accounts of The Reconcile Church